Here's another Internet marketing tip for your business. After you have attracted prospects to look at your website, now you want to get the prospect to interact with your website pages and do something. You may want a prospect to do one or more of the following: 1....
Traffic Building

My Business Has A Website – Why Do I Need Another Mini Website?
Why do I need to build another website for my business if I already have one? Another type of website, commonly known as a mini-site is a website that we recommend that is specially optimized so that the search engines will show your ads when people are searching for...
Local Business Search Marketing and Google Places – Why It Is Important to Your Business – Example Search for Veterinarian Naples FL
Today I'm writing to show you how to do a search online for a local veterinarian in Naples FL as an example about local business online search marketing and how Google Places is the best friend to a local business owner who wants to get more customers. First of all...

Use Video Marketing To Find Customers and Leads For Your Business
How do you spend your time online? Do you research products or services you want to buy, or visit your friends on Facebook to see what they are doing, or check in on LinkedIn to see who you can connect with professionally? Maybe you watched some video advertising...