Our Services

Customer Finder Marketing

Outstanding Internet Marketing Services

Your website can be the best employee that you have, and we can help you with that.

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We operate as a one stop shop for your Internet marketing service needs. Our outstanding services that we provide:

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • Digital Ads Management – Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Twitter
  • Web Design/Development
  • Social Media Management

With our award-winning services that we provide: SEO, website design, and paid advertising management for Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, and Twitter, along with other social media management, we show you why you should work with us…instead of the other 30,000 online agencies in the US. See how we are different.

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Our Commitment


You own everything we create for you and you can see it 24/7 on your personal dashboard that we provide for you.


Monthly evaluation calls, marketing advice from our experts, and top of the line resources for you.


A guaranteed upward trend with a clear explanation of the return on investment back to you, and agreements with us that you understand.

We have a high average star rating in reviews and a very high client retention rate of our clients – compared to the industry. So what does it look like?


SEO Services – For the Business Owner

We guarantee that you will see results within six months, or you may fire us.


SEO Services - Local

Local SEO services helps your customers find you in your business area and customers can find you instead of your nearby competitors.


SEO Services - National

When people search for your services or products, you want to be on page 1 of Google. Our national SEO strategy can make this happen.


SEO Services - Regional

If you do business in many states, then Regional SEO strategies target customers for highly effective purposes.


SEO Services - Franchise

We run effective campaigns for franchisors so that they can get more customers at each franchise location in several months – no matter what industry.

Many agencies claim they can provide SEO, but Customer Finder Marketing isn’t among the top marketing agencies for no reason.

Website Design Services

Beautiful responsive websites professionally designed – specifically built to get you more leads and sales.


Designed To Convert

Our sites perform well with SEO so you get more leads and sales, and still look really amazing as a website.


Completely Responsive

Your site must look great, and be easy to use, on any size or model screen. We want people pleased with their experience when they use your site.


Quick loading

Your website can load like your business is a large company site…maybe even better when we get done with it.


Technical Support

We provide tech support after your site is built. Sometimes you want to update pictures or content on your site. We can do this for you.

Not every web design service for a small business is the same.

Pay-Per-Click Campaign – Management Services


Let us reduce your cost and increase your number of leads with our management experts.


Management Experts

We are recognized as certified Google & Bing Partners, as well as all social media ad experts. They have run tens of thousands of campaigns to do one thing – get more conversions, but also lower your costs to get sales for your business.


Guaranteed Results

If you let us have 90 days to manage your PPC advertising campaigns, and you’re still not happy, then fire us. We have agreements that run on a monthly basis, and we are certain of results with the success of our clients.


Full Reporting

You will get weekly and monthly reports going direct to your email inbox so you can monitor the progress we are making when managing your pay per click ads. You can also access your personal dashboard that shows your campaign results 24/7.


Monthly Calls

Each month you can talk to our experts, and they will review the management of your paper click campaigns with you. And throughout the month, we will keep you posted on the changes that we make to your campaign to make it more successful for you.

Our clients who have used our pay-per-click campaign services have seen their leads increase and their cost per click expense decrease over time. See how it is done.

Social Media Marketing Management Services

Want to let people know about your business on all the major social media platforms?

google my business

We can handle all your Social Media Marketing needs


We do a deep dive analysis on your main competitors’ businesses and their social media sites to see how we can boost your brand recognition and visibility, direct more influence to you and your business, and drive more traffic to your media websites – so your prospects buy from your business instead of theirs.


Then our professional graphic design staff create an engaging campaign with your unique message and brand identity. We design this message uniquely for you, depending on the platform – since these platforms are different technically, attract different demographics, and have different styles of content and tone of voice.

Launch & Mange Ads

And now for the best part…


We set it up and launch it


A/B test it to save you the most money


Optimize it so your campaign is competitive


Monitor it on a daily basis to maximize results


Send you weekly and monthly progress reports


Provide call and email support to you

More Reasons Why We Don’t Give You Surprises

Once we work with clients who have been with other agencies, they stay with us 4 times longer…according to our industry statistics… And here are the reasons…


Guaranteed Results

We are serious about this. If we don’t complete the tasks for you that we promise, and show you upward trending results, you can fire us. Ask us when we talk with you!


You own it all – it’s all yours

A lot of clients switch over to us from other agencies where they have been dissatisfied. A main reason for this is – with our agency – you own all the work that we do for you…not like some other agencies.


Recorded tasks of work done

This is your insurance policy. You get a record of all of our monthly tasks performed for you. This means when we say we will do something for you, we really do it, and you can see the tasks completion dates recorded – again these go right to your inbox.


Detailed reports

You see results of the work we do, and you also see each task of our work completed for you. You get all these reports direct to your email inbox.


Customized Dashboard

With your 24/7 dashboard access you can see Google reporting tools, keyword performance reports, your leads, calls to your business, and see our completed work performed for you – in one location.


You can talk to 1 assigned personal project manager

You have one familiar person assigned to your project whom you can communicate with – whenever you want.

Our insightful 15+ pages of website analysis, and 60 minutes of guidance – all for free

It’s our complimentary assessment of your website – just for you

What can you expect?

Our experts analyze your website and make a customized assessment of its performance, compared to your competitors. And we go through each assessment point so that you easily understand it and can use it in your business.

Do we annoy you afterwards?

Not a chance. We explain the website assessment to you, find out a bit about your business, make some recommendations to you, and let you decide on the next step. And if you don’t find something valuable within the first 5 minutes, then hang up. Remember, we have presented over 2500 sessions to business owners, but we don’t currently have all these 2500 as clients. So you see, this assessment is really free – to help you and your business.


This is page 1 of a sample assessment.


It tells you how well Google likes your website to rank your site.


Points out what needs to be corrected or bettered.


And your site gets a website score – to tell us how much work needs to be done to best your competitors.

People tell us this is the best 60 minutes for marketing they’ve seen…especially with no stress on you to buy!

Should you hire Customer Finder Marketing as your digital marketing agency?

We put together a comparison of how our agency compares in general, to other companies, and how doing this digital marketing yourself would compare.

Here is the breakdown…!

Customer Finder Marketing guarantees all our work, which the client owns upon completion.

Customer Finder Other Agencies Do it Yourself
Dedicated Account Manager Yes Yes No
Number of staff per project (avg) 7 3 1
24/7 Custom Dashboard Yes Maybe No
Customized Weekly Reports Yes Maybe No
Customized Monthly Reports Yes Yes No
Monthly Calls with Account Manager Yes Maybe No
White Hat or Black Hat SEO White Hat White Hat N/A
Google Analytics Certified Yes Yes No
Google Ads Certified Yes Yes No
In-Depth Keyword Research Yes Maybe No
Avg. Client Retention (at 4 months) 90% 75% N/A
Avg. Client Retention (at 12 months) 80% 60% N/A
Avg. Client Retention (at 24 months) 60% 40% N/A
Avg. Client Contract Length 25 months 6-7 months N/A
Guaranteed Results (or refund) Yes No No
Average Combined Experience (per campaign) 50+ years 15+ years 0-2 years
Average Yearly Cost (median plan) $19K $25K-80K $1K-$20K (all work done by you)

Questions People Frequently Ask Us

When you say you guarantee results, what does this mean?

“Results” can mean different things in different situations. Let’s clear this up so that you know what ‘guaranteed results” means to us.

With our clients, we see an improvement in most of the primary keywords on which we are working to get them ranked better for our client. If you don’t see this by month 6, you can ask for a refund on your investment. Now because our SEO strategies are successful, no client has ever asked for a refund.

Are monthly agreements available for SEO?

Of course. For our SEO campaigns, we make it possible for clients to pay us on a monthly basis after we have provided service to the account for 3 months – to get the basics successfully provided for your successful campaign.

Does Customer Finder Marketing have a cancellation policy for SEO campaigns?

You must submit a written cancellation notice 30 days prior to cancelling. Since Seo campaigns build momentum, it’s hard to stop everything about it all at once. But in those 30 days, we will get the campaign closed, get all the login credentials over to you that we’ve created for you, and have an exit interview with you so that we can finish up all the details of our marketing work for your business.

What is Customer Finder Marketing’s cancellation policy on Google Ads management?

We stop your Google Ads campaigns with Google on the same business day we receive your written notice. The two steps that we do are to shut off your spending budget, and to pause all management activities for that same business day.

What forms of payment do you accept?

All major credit cards and Checks.

Do you charge any hidden fees or any extra charges of any sort?

Nope. Everything is shown to you from the start. Any expense that comes up for any reason, in addition to the agreed-upon monthly fee, is sent over to you in writing for your review, fully explained, and agreed by you as approved before charging you for any other expenses.

Where is your staff located?

Some of our workers are located in the United States and some are in other countries because of these reasons…

1. We value our clients’ time, and we have workers in several time zones across the globe to react quickly to any possible website break down problems.

2. Over the past 10+ years we have assembled very talented and specialized teams – some of our most talented are abroad. Country borders do not prevent us from hiring top talent.

3. Our hiring strategy tends to keep your marketing costs down. Typically, an agency with only in-house employees will cost double for the same work quality Customer Finder Marketing provides.

You Get Top Value with no pressure

If you get our famous free website assessment, you can use it for several things such as…

1. Your in-house marketers can use it to improve your business.
2. You can improve the work ethic of the current marketing agency that you have working for you.
3. Or you can hire us if that seems to be a better option for you.

No matter what you choose, this free website assessment will be extremely helpful to you in your business.