Why do I need to build another website for my business if I already have one?
Another type of website, commonly known as a mini-site is a website that we recommend that is specially optimized so that the search engines will show your ads when people are searching for them. But most importantly this mini-site is designed to capture customer leads for your business. And that is what you really want!
One strategy is to link the mini site to your regular website. In this way, once you have captured the prospective customers contact information, you can then direct them to your main website to get more information about her company.
This will seem like a natural progression to acquire information by the prospective customer who is searching for information about your business.
Now once you have captured the customer’s information such as their name, e-mail, or even their cell phone, you can now contact them through these means of e-mail or text messages through their cell phone.
You can continue to send messages out to these prospects to invite them to purchase your products or services, or to give them more information about which you do so is to entice them to come back to your main website again to get more information about your business and what you have to offer to the prospect.
You can also offer news about upcoming events, tips about your area of expertise or business, or even coupons for discount deals that you may want to offer to entice the prospect to buy from you.
This whole process of keeping in touch with prospects is all about communicating with them on their terms on an automatic basis, giving them information and quantities of this information that they desire, and letting them be self-determined about choosing the time when they are ready to buy from you.
The prospect thus feels more empowered that they can participate in this buying decision, and so when they do purchase from you, they will feel more certain in their buying decision. They will also be more likely to refer your business to their friends and family because they will have remembered that you treated them as they want to be treated on their terms.
So the mini-site is the first piece of promotion that your prospect sees when they are searching for information about your business. Therefore this site needs to be created and produced by an Internet marketing expert and you will get much larger returns on your investment coming back to you in the form of more customers.
For more information on how develop a custom web presence for your business and make your current website generate more leads and customers for your business, visit http://www.CustomerFinderMarketing.com/ to watch a short video that explains it all.
Or you can visit http://www.Profit88.com to request a marketing strategy session, so we can help you create the best marketing plan to get more leads and customers for your business each month
My Business Has A Website – Why Do I Need Another Mini Website?