More and more prospective home buyers and sellers are turning to the Internet to buy or sell homes. Home Buyers go to the Internet to Find Real Estate Professionals According to studies, 90% of home buyers search online during their home buying process. They’re...
Video Blog

Want to Attract More Patients? Market Your Obstetrics and Gynecology Practice Online Today
Women do not readily and openly discuss delicate medical issues. But seventy four percent (74%) of them go to the Internet to research about specific diseases or medical problems and sixty three percent (63%) seek certain medical treatment or procedures online. Your...
Build and Sell Your Brand by Investing in Video Marketing
In today’s fast-paced world, your potential customers would rather watch an informative and compelling 30 to 45 seconds of video than spend 15 to 20 minutes reading texts! Indeed, video is an effective marketing tool as it can communicate key points to your target...
Can Pet Owners Find You When They Look for a Vet Online?
People love their pets and consider them part of the family. Even during a recession, 81 billion was spent on pet care worldwide. Wouldn’t it be great to be the one most people turn to for their pet care needs? Pet Owners Use Search Engines to Find Veterinarians When...
Is Your Chiropractic Office Searchable and Visible Online?
People should know better than to think of chiropractors as glorified massage therapists. You don’t just work patients to the bone; you also treat and alleviate muscle and tendon disorders. You are the providers of sweet relief. People Use Search Engines to Find...
Is Your Accounting Firm Searchable and Visible Online?
Can your accounting firm be found by potential clients today? Thirty percent (30%) of your potential clients are looking for expert accounting services online, while only nineteen percent (19%) are relying on recommendations. They use several techniques in searching...
Give your Cosmetic Surgery Practice a New Face through Digital Marketing
We haven’t found the fountain of youth, but the closest thing we have is cosmetic surgery. If the selfies on social media say anything, it’s that people want to literally put their best face forward. And there are some who take the extra step. People Use Search...
Is your Restaurant found by Hungry Customers Today?
People are now asking online, “Where should I eat today?” Yes, they search for restaurants online using their desktop PCs, laptops, tablets and smart phones on search engines, local directories, and social networks. Do you come up in these searches? Are you active on...
Can your law firm be found by your potential clients today?
Seventy-six percent of adults are seeking lawyers online. A study identified a four-stage search process for people looking for a lawyer. They gather information about their legal issue; find a lawyer; validate a lawyer; and select a lawyer. They use various online...
Claim, secure, and establish your brand today on social media, blogs and local directories before someone else does!
Yes, the next most important thing to do to secure your brand after acquiring your domain name, is to also secure your account names and profiles on various web properties. Did you know that 93% of the world’s top 100 brands that had their matching Twitter handles...