A Beginner’s Guide to SEO: Getting the Most Out of Your Marketing Campaigns


No matter what type of company you own, SEO (search engine optimization) should be part of your growth strategy. This involves restructuring your website and content. Even if you’re not an SEO expert, there are some approaches that can help you get started.

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Monitor Your Rankings

Before creating a marketing strategy, you should know where you stand as far as search engine rankings go. There are plenty of tools that assist with this assessment, such as Alexa and Google toolbar. They help you identify the effective SEO tactics from the methods in need of adjustments.

You should also monitor the organic traffic coming to your website, chiefly all visitors coming from search engines outside of paid ads. Analytical tools provide these insights, including how many people leave after visiting one page and how many make transactions.

It’s not enough to monitor traffic analytics from month-to-month. Rather, look at data and statistics throughout the entire year because natural changes may occur, such as those driven by the seasons and not SEO tactics. You’ll then have an accurate data forecast that helps you develop the right strategies.

Develop the Right Keyword Strategy

Knowing which keywords to incorporate in your website text will enable you to achieve better search engine rankings. Moreover, it helps you to identify consumer behaviors and learn more about their preferences. You can then tailor content specifically geared toward their needs and wants. Keywords should be placed in your website’s titles, body text, image names, and URLs. In order for these keywords to be effective, though, they need to match that for which online consumers are shopping. Otherwise, your leads won’t lead to actions—i.e., sales.

Keyword density is also important to evaluate, though long-debated by SEO experts in terms of which strategy works. You don’t want to use keywords too often because it can hurt your search engine rankings. Keyword stuffing is a bad practice that could get your website penalized. Ideally, keywords should be used naturally, maintaining a density of around 2-4 percent.

Additionally, the types of keywords you incorporate leave a big impact on SEO effectiveness. You have many to select from: geo-targeted keywords, competing company names, industry thought leaders, market-defining keywords, and product keywords. When assessing keyword types, make sure they align with company goals and move you in the right direction.

Developing the right SEO strategy for your company is often complex and doesn’t happen instantly. Fortunately, there are plenty of professionals you can consult with. They are experienced in optimizing websites and incorporating the right keywords en route to enriching your target audience’s engagement with your site.


Understanding the When and How of Using Keywords for SEO, write.com

7 types of keywords to boost your SEO strategy, searchengineland.com