Naples SEO Tips: How to Write Content That Keeps Google Panda Happy


Toward the end of 2014’s third quarter, Google rolled out their latest Panda update, Google Panda 4.1. This particular algorithm is responsible for identifying and penalizing thin or poor content. After all, websites that feature thin or poor content often provide users with an equally poor experience, something that Google wants to avoid.

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Simply put, you need to post high-quality content on top of your Naples SEO strategy if you want to land high up on the search engine results pages. This is much simpler than many people believe, but it does require a little more time on your part. Here are a few tips to help ensure you churn out the high-quality content that Google Panda loves to see:

Write for Your Audience

When writing content, always write for your audience first and foremost. Write about topics that pique their interest. Google monitors how long people stay on your website, as they believe that more time spent on your website means that readers are enjoying your content.

Be Descriptive

Why do the Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings series attract so many readers? It’s because the authors were able to create and describe an entire world. Your content should be able to stimulate the imaginations of your readers. For example, instead of writing “the pizza was appetizing”, write “the heavenly smell of the pizza made my mouth water”.

Take Time to Reread and Edit

Typographical errors and poor grammar turn off a lot of readers and undermine your credibility. Although Google isn’t planning to penalize poor grammar anytime soon, that doesn’t give you the license to post content as soon as you finish typing. Read through your content the day after you finish it to spot and correct any errors you may find. Your readers will thank you for your dedication.

Don’t forget that Google aims to provide users with the best experience possible. If you align your writing with Google’s goal, why would the search engine giant hesitate to present your website to their users?

Of course, time isn’t something that is readily available to most business owners. In such cases, hiring an experienced Naples Internet marketing company like Customer Finder® Marketing to do your content marketing is a practical step.

(Source: Google Panda 4.1 Now Rolling Out; Aims To Help Smaller Web Sites, Search Engine Roundtable)