by Brian B Dawson
Today I want to talk about a form of advertising done and online marketing called article marketing. This is done when an author will write a short article of approximately 300 to 700 words about a subject that they want to promote or give advice about. This subject can be about themselves, or about a business, or about a product or service.
An article will consist of the title, a summary about the article, the body of the article, and the resource box at the end of the article which gives information about the author of the article and other pertinent data related to the article.
These articles are then placed on certain sites that post articles that are written by various authors. One of the most prestigious sites is EzineArticles. This prestige comes about because they have been at the business of posting of articles for quite a while now.
Sites like EzineArticles and many other sites are known as article directories because they make these articles available for distribution and publication throughout the Internet so others can read these articles. Some readers subscribe to articles by certain authors and as they continue to post written articles, the reader automatically receives the article in their e-mail as part of an article subscription.
Local business owners have found over the years that one way to promote their business is to have articles written about what they do and what they have to offer to the public.
Now usually business owners are so busy operating a business that they have no time to write articles themselves. Hence they hire others to write articles about their business, or their products or services that they offer to potential customers.
Some of the best articles written by these particular authors are those which can encapsulate and project the business owners knowledge about their business and/or their products or services. After all, who knows the business owners business better than the business owner themselves.
Therefore, an author who can accomplish this task of writing these articles for the business owner is to be well appreciated as they entice loyal readers to these articles and persuade them to become interested enough to contact the business owner to learn more about the product or service that was noted in the article.
Typically people who prefer to read articles want to see promotional and educational information in print versus video or audio presentations.
These types of people want to take their time to digest and assimilate the information in these articles at their own pace.
To some people, this may seem old-school, however there is a certain segment of the population that prefers this type of marketing and advertising through articles as opposed to any other form of advertising or promotion.
Because of this, our company writes articles with educational information for this exact purpose to this certain category of readers. We perform this service for business owners who want to reach this particular market niche of consumers.
For more information on how we promote various types of media- video, audio or print – for our business clients, see the resource box at the bottom of this article.
Wishing the best to all article fans,
Article Marketing For Local Business Owners