How to Create a Web Design Experience That Your Prospective Customers Will Love


As a citizen of the digital world, you’ve probably noticed some trends in web design. Maybe you’ve got a grip on what works and what doesn’t, or maybe you’re somewhere in the middle. Whether you’re an expert or a rookie, there’s always more to learn within the continuously growing and moving trends of web design. Take a look at the most common mistakes that even the most professional companies make on their websites.

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A Lot of Jargon Isn’t Always the Best Decision

According to Entrepreneur, one of the pitfalls of web design is failing to connect with the average Joe that’s stumbled upon the company website. Jargon is great for establishing credibility in your field, but too much of it can easily turn off someone who has absolutely no idea what you are saying.

Try to strike the right balance within your design and its content. Talk as a professional, but also speak like a friend giving casual advice about your product. You don’t want a customer to get so lost in your shoptalk that they don’t even want to contact you to see if your product is actually for them.

Intuitively Organized Content

Just as important as content is the layout of that content. And that’s where good web design comes in. Most users will just scan your page for what they’re looking for. Without headings, subheadings, and smart spacing, they’re just going to leave your website high and dry.

Help them find what they’re looking for with a structured layout that will guide them to your points and keep them there to read on. Hopefully this goes without saying, but don’t forget that organization of the facts also is vital to your website. If you have a pretty website with out-of-date information, it’s just as bad as a terrible layout with up-to-date news. You lose credibility in either scenario.

While you are selling a product, it’s always important to remember that you’re selling that product to real people who are earnestly trying to find a product that is the right fit for them. Creating an engaging and user-friendly website is one way of reaching out to your prospective customers, and it’s something that web design experts can help you with.


10 Website Fails Your Business is Making,

11 Common Web Design Mistakes (Blunders),