How an SEO Company Best Serves You By Establishing User Engagement


In the early days of the internet, business owners believed that the shiniest and wordiest advertising is what would get them noticed. As the World Wide Web developed into its current form, the tides have turned and the things that are most appealing to audiences now are more concerned with connecting with consumers on a more personal, less superficial level.

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Keyword stuffing and spamming no longer appeal to audiences, and such practices are even penalized by search engines. These days, it’s all about getting on a personal level with your target audience. This is especially applicable when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO).

To attract that audience, there are a few things you can do.

How Your SEO Company Should Use Visual Aids in Your Marketing Strategy

Video Marketing

Video marketing is a genuine and organic way to connect with your website’s users. Video is a great way to literally and figuratively give your business a voice and let potential clients connect with you on a personal level to learn of the products or services you offer.

The way businesses can use this form of marketing will vary depending on the products and services they are selling. If you’re selling products, you can create how-to guides to demonstrate how the product fits into your consumer’s life. If you offer services, you can create videos demonstrating how it can help improve the lives of your target audience. You can also offer testimonials from happy customers about how your products have improved their lives.

Video marketing is far more personal than the alternative of just presenting what you have to offer via a chunky block of text. In fact, you are 53 times more likely to get noticed by search engines when you use video marketing over just plain text.

Infographics Marketing

Just like videos, infographics convey useful information without being visually heavy like plain text. If done right, infographics provide an effective way to summarize your business’ product or service for potential clients. Relaying information at lightning speed is vital in catching the attention of users with short attention spans.

Too often, websites lose their audience in the jargon or over-explanation of the products or services they offer. Infographics offer the same information in a less intimidating and more instantaneous way. Audiences are drawn to this, search engines take notice, and your search rankings climb.

Image Optimization

Optimizing images works best for businesses with online stores, as they heavily rely on visuals to sell their products. Image optimization often involves the use of appropriate compression techniques to shrink the image’s file size, which consequently boosts a site’s load time. However, there’s a fine line that distinguishes a properly optimized image from one that sacrifices its image quality in the process.

Providing the right name and alt text for the image is also part of optimization. Search engines favor images whose file names are as specific as possible to the image. Rather than using a generic “Mercedes 1, 2, 3” description for three different Mercedes models you’re selling, you should use “Mercedes Benz E-Class Black Tinted Windows.” Such a description, even in the image’s file name, allows search engines to find and categorize them more efficiently. This makes your site more user-friendly so that those looking for your specific product are more likely to be able to find it on your website. Better yet, this gives your SEO efforts a boost.

Engaging your audiences through these visual SEO strategies allow you to create a more tangible and sincere form of interaction. It shows that your website has high-quality content that deserves to get noticed. More than that, though, these interactive methods will encourage your target audience to check out your company and the products and services that you offer. Consider working with a professional SEO company, such as Customer Finder Marketing, to help you implement these strategies.

How Video Marketing Creates Immediate SEO Results,
Why Infographics Should Be Part of Your SEO Strategy,